CHANGE: City Square Upgrade Concept Design. Contributed

AN important part of the city will undergo a $2 million upgrade and now is your chance to have a say on the concept plans.

The plans are designed to turn City Square into a vibrant, people-focused and attractive destination while transforming the space into a colourful, shady, relaxed, fun place to be during the day and lively spot at night. “Consultations with the community in March this year highlighted what they wanted to see in City Square, trees, plants, alfresco dining, markets, wet weather protection, lighting, CCTV, music, colour, more seating, night time events, a shopping directory and directional signs and these designs have incorporated all of those ideas,” Council’s Director Sustainable Infrastructure, Mick Raby said.

Created by McGregor Coxall, the designs were guided by the need to retain the existing trees, provide public seating, keep the existing shade sails, remove the current pergolas and deliver value for money.

Pop up information stalls will be at the Coffs Coast Growers Market in City Square on Thursday, July 12 and Thursday, July 26.

The concept plans are open for community feedback from Wednesday until Friday, August 3.

To have your say, visit