Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce has appealed to Busways to reconsider allowing signs on its local buses which ask the public to “think twice before visiting captive dolphins”.

The advertisements, bought by dolphin welfare group Australia for Dolphins, were installed on local buses over the past fortnight and refer to Coffs Harbour tourist attraction Dolphin Marine Magic.

In a letter to Busways managing director Richard Rowe, chamber president George Cecato called the campaign a “blatant and direct attack” on the local business.

“Should this campaign be allowed to run its course, it will have a major economic impact for this community,” Mr Cecato said.

“Not only will the marine park be directly affected, but indirectly by other businesses, suppliers and staff employed by Dolphin Marine Magic or associated with their business.”

Mr Cecato asked Busways for its marketing criteria and approval process for advertising.

He also highlighted the park’s work in marine animal conservation.

“On a national level, Dolphin Marine Magic would primarily only be known for the tourism aspect of its business and this is what is generally seen by the public,” Mr Cecato said.

“This marine park is heavily involved with the conservation, education and rehabilitation of marine animals.”

He asked Mr Rowe to pull the advertising.

In response to Mr Cecato’s letter, Busways said its advertising space was contracted to an external advertising agency which vetted material.

“While we understand there has been associated media around the campaign that links the ad to Dolphin Marine Magic, the ad itself does not name the business,” Busways marketing and sustainability manager Donna Frith said.

“As an organisation, Busways supports freedom of opinion and advocacy.

“We consider the advertisement’s content as lawful and that the organisation is within rights to have access to advertising space, as does Dolphin Marine Magic.”

However, Ms Frith said Busways had requested the campaign not be extended when the ads expire in three weeks.