It was with delight the Chamber attended the Jetty Foreshores beautification opening along with soil turning at the epic C.ex International Stadium enhancements.

These very significant pieces of infrastructure have seen Coffs Chamber actively involved in bringing them to fruition and it’s so pleasing when ribbons finally are cut.

Head down to the new Jetty Foreshores where it is just the start of this project.  Shortly, a reference group will decide how the next stages should look to the south of the jetty structure and the chamber will have input for the benefit of locals and visitors alike.

For businesses that are already chamber members your feedback will be highly regarded and sought.

For those not yet members now is the time to join to add weight to the discussion.

The most effective and resolute position is when we are united for greater good.  There will be vocal negativity to enhancing our beautiful foreshores but when it comes time for decisions to be made and true leadership to be taken your voice will count.

There are numerous opportunities existing or being discussed having potential to make an immeasurable difference to the future of our city.  Some have been talk-fests far too long, leaving other regional cities to take advantage.

But make no mistake.  Our time is now and your chamber is committed to holding to account those responsible for making the leadership decision for the greater good of your businesses and our community.

Join the chamber today to ensure you’ve got a chance to have a seat at the table.

Phone 6651 4101 or email  Follow us on Facebook or find out more at