STAR AFFAIR: Debra Ryan and Community Care Options went from the Sunnys to NSW honours in 2016.

by Greg White

Ever been so impressed by the service received from a Coffs Coast business and you have had the urge to give them a big rap?

Well, you can now put a favourite business or worker in the running for a prestigious award.

Nominations for Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce Sunnys Awards close on June 27 but as committee person Leonie Kennedy reveals, this year there are improvements that could earn recognition far beyond the local scene.

“We have aligned all categories with the NSW Business Chamber which puts a Sunnys winner in the running for even bigger accolades,” she said.

“Those winners go to Port Macquarie for NSWBC regional awards and if you win there, it gets really interesting with entry into the NSWBC State awards and an invitation to the gala event in Sydney.”

While some businesses may doubt they have what it takes to get that far, Leonie said we’ve already seen state winners from our business community.

“Fresh Dental Care and Community Care Options both won NSW awards in recent years and we have so many innovative and competitive businesses like them.

“Owners and staff are not always good at blowing their own trumpets, so we are asking the customers and public who love the service they provide to put in a nomination.”

Of the 20 Sunnys Award categories, an even dozen have NSW Business Chamber status.

“If you don’t go on to higher judging it’s still a great honour to be named the best in the Coffs Coast region.

“Our people do great work and this is an opportunity to give the recognition they deserve.”

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