With a month to go until the 2016 Federal Election our Cowper candidates are in overdrive canvassing their party positions and policies across the electorate.

The two big messages coming from our incumbent is the party line of ‘Jobs & Growth’.

With Federal Election scheduled, the Chamber thought it timely to get a view on what’s important and recently surveyed its members to get their feedback on a number of key issues affecting the electorate.

The 13 key issues identified and surveyed included (in no set order):

  • Funding for Local Councils
  • Public Holidays
  • Aged Care Places
  • Creation of Jobs
  • Draft North Coast Plan
  • Orbital roads
  • Timber Bridges
  • High Speed Broadband
  • The Port of Coffs Harbour
  • Health care hubs
  • Retrospective Legislation
  • Review of the Tax system
  • Youth Unemployment

Of the 13 big issues, they were asked to provide their input by ranking the issues from most important to least important.
The top three issues in order of importance as polled from the survey were: the Creation of Jobs, Youth Unemployment and a Review of the Tax System.
In the lead up to the Federal Election the Chamber will be holding a 2016 Federal Election – Meet the Candidates Breakfast Forum on June 7 at the C.ex Coffs.

  • Cowper MP Luke Hartsuyker, Greens candidate Carol Vernon and Labors’ Damian Wood will convey their positions and policies for issues affecting Cowper
  • Attendee’s have the opportunity to meet their local representatives
  • Candidates will face a number of pre-selected questions and will have a set time to respond
  • This will be followed by a question and answer time from attendee’s to the candidates
  • Take advantage of the information provided by the candidates and the post question and answer forum

Do you have a question you would like to ask the Federal Election candidates? Here’s your chance!

This is your opportunity to hear the views of the candidates so you can be more informed voters ahead of the election.

The breakfast forum will be held at the C.ex Coffs and will run from 7am to 9am.

Interested in attending – then call or email the Chamber now to book your breakfast ticket for Tuesday, June 7, cost $30. Ph. 66514 101 or email info@coffschamber.com.au.