Welcome to my first column as President and I just wanted to start by saying how incredibly excited I am about what the next 12 months has in store for the Chamber, local businesses, and the broader community.

Martin Wells – President 2018 – 2019
Working together with all of our Board members to achieve results that will be our legacy and improve this great city for generations to come thrills me no end. Thank you to all of our members for all coming together with these goals in mind and personally I can’t wait to get stuck into it all with you for the greater good and the long term improvements in mind.
The feedback from last month’s members’ forum has been unanimously positive and provides us with direction and clarity about the Chamber’s focus.
In summary they are:
1. Sports Infrastructure – Multi-purpose centre
2. International Hotel – 5 star, Big Name
3. International Airport – Exports, tourism, education, health
4. Jetty Foreshores Stages 5-6 – South of Jetty
5. Allied Health Building Stage 2 – Stage 1 commencing construction 27th July
6. By-pass – Ensuring we are ready to maximise the benefit
7. City Deal – Collaborating and lobbying all levels of government for a significant deal
Just in case that wasn’t enough to whet your appetite… working port/cruise terminal was also thrown into the mix. WOW just imagine the opportunities if we can get all (or most) of these over the line in our next term. It IS possible! We have the right people, we have the right access and opportunity to lobby the right people. Right place/Right time? Absolutely. We live in the best location on the planet, and NOW is the best time to make this happen.
You will notice a lot more social media, and general media activity designed to raise the profile of the Chamber and what activity we have been up to… social proof that more businesses should become members to support the tireless efforts of those who volunteer to sit on the Board. Please get active in liking, sharing, and promoting Chamber activity across your personal and business pages. If you have significant achievements or happenings in your business please let the Chamber know – you can access all the Board members’ details on our website or contact us via email.

Kurt Fearnley
Coming up we are extremely excited to present the following major events where all are welcome, Kurt Fearnley AO for a luncheon 31 July, Sunny’s Business Awards 11 August, Jacqui Cooper –Australian Olympic Aerial Skier luncheon 21 August, Coffs Coast Business Expo 22 & 23 August and the ever popular Chamber Golf Day.
Thank you again to Immediate Past President George Cecato, for all you have passionately committed and achieved for the Chamber and the city. We are all incredibly grateful that the access to all levels of government, and projects the Chamber has successfully championed which are now complete, being prepared, or still to be delivered, is largely due to you opening the doors for Chamber inclusion and discussion and we are pleased to have you remaining on the Board as the Immediate Past President. To the outgoing Board members thank you for volunteering your valuable time for the businesses of the city, and welcome to the new Board members joining us.
2018/19 Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce Board & Committee of Management
President: Martin Wells
Immediate Past President: George Cecato
Vice President: Sarah Pryor
2nd Vice President: Ray Smith
Secretary/Public Officer: Michael Adendorff
Treasurer: Richard Hennessy
Committee: Leonie Kennedy, Ken Phillips, Melanie Browne, Chris Winn, Callan Bailey & Kath Tucker
Let us all, as a united community build on and create a legacy as we focus on deliverables for the greater good, for the future, for the City and its’ businesses/communities success. This clearly can not be achieved alone or easily as a not-for-profit organisation. The Chamber relies on the weight of member numbers to lobby, the revenue received from memberships, events, and of course our sponsors at all levels. If you have ever found yourself being vocal positively (or negatively) about what is occurring across the area then we need your support and voice. Join the Chamber, attend the events, and of course we would warmly welcome your sponsorship. We exist for all businesses small, medium and large and we are here for you along with the other benefits and access that membership brings.
Watch this space and like and share our Facebook page for live updates and events.