Tenders are currently being invited for the construction of the latest stage of the Jetty4Shores project – the Activation and Recreation Hub.

The Hub includes a plaza and terraced steps onto Jetty Beach, a boardwalk linking the plaza to the entry to the historic Jetty and an events and market area.

Coffs Harbour City Council today said a panel would assess all the tenders received when the process closes at the end of February and a report recommending the winning bid is scheduled to be presented to Council in March.

Subject to the successful tenderer’s timetable for the works, construction is scheduled to start in April 2017 and is expected to be completed by October 2017, well before the busy Christmas period.

A meeting with business-owners and foreshores user groups is being planned for mid-March to provide stakeholders with an update on the works schedule and to consider any impacts the construction period may have on the use of the area.

Anyone interested in submitting a tender is invited to view the relevant documents via www.tenderlink.com/coffsharbour

The Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development’s National Stronger Regions Fund is funding half the cost of the $9.2m Jetty4Shores Project