Congratulations to the Joint Regional Planning Panel for their approval of the proposed development of the land north of the Coffs Harbour airport and also for the approval of the Gowings Hotel development at the eastern end of Coffs Central. Thank you also to those who supported both proposals, and it was encouraging to see these types of developments get the green light in Coffs Harbour.
As winter sets in to the Coffs Coast there also seems to be a change in the air for the prosperity of our city. Our tourism industry as grown over the last 3-4 years on the back of a growing events calendar, which can be attributed to the hard work of members of our business community and Council staff. To the point where demand can support a new corporate hotel in the middle of town.
The Jetty Foreshore development is taking shape, despite a few issues, to transform this area into an attractive community based park land.
Federal and State Government funding for projects at the University and TAFE College, also indicate that Coffs Harbour seems to be back on the map and not just as a tourist destination.
Could this be due to community stakeholders working together?
When our local council elections were being carried out, I wrote an article about challenging the newly elected Councillors to come together, with no hidden agendas, and work together for the great good of the Coffs Harbour Community. Could this new found attraction of business opportunities (developments) growth, actually be a result of Us and Them work together for a common good.
Let’s not get toooooo excited, but are we as a regional city finally moving in the right direction. Maybe we are starting to see this but I do want to flag that this is only the very beginning. We need to mindful of distractions that occur along the way, that can easily and sometimes undetected can change the course we are on at present.
We need to continue on this path from Good to Great, and keep fighting for what will grow Coffs Harbour into the Regional City we want it to be.
Working together is starting to show the benefits and we need to keep this Focus and also need Council and our Councillors to keep focused on this as well.