HIGH RISE: Ian Fitzgibbon, Coffs Harbour City Council’s Group Leader Sustainable Places. Picture: Trevor Veale

by Matt Deans

Coffs Harbour has grown under an era of development, with $338 million in development applications approved by Coffs Harbour City Council over the past 12 months.

As a primary area of growth, the city’s thriving building and development industry is generating positive economic benefits and jobs, while filling an urgent shortfall of housing that will be needed under population growth projections.

“Coffs is performing well in the development space, with the number of development applications comparable to the last four or five years,” Coffs Harbour City Council’s Group Leader Sustainable Places, Ian Fitzgibbon, said.

“The big surprise has been the rise in value of developments, which is partly due to the rise in multi-dwelling housing/residential flat buildings.

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