REPRESENTATION: The chamber provides a voice to State and Federal government through the NSW Business Chamber to help foster the growth of the city.
Trevor Veale

I write this week’s column excited about the direction our city is taking, its growth is bringing much needed dollars to our economy and increasing confidence.

Building approvals in the recent weeks shows Coffs Harbour is certainly heading in the right direction to become the best regional city in Australia.

We wouldn’t have been able to achieve much of this success without the chamber; “why is this?” you ask.

The reason is due to the “voice” we have with all levels of government.

The chamber has been and is continuously invited to sit on committees that have significant impact on the direction and future of our city because of the hard work and dedication of our President, George Cecato and the board members.

The chamber represents local business by lobbying issues such as Regional Development, Economic Development, Community Sustainability and Growth.

Our primary function is to assist and promote businesses in Coffs Harbour and our key priority is to ensure the success of members through developing a supportive and innovative business environment to stimulate and sustain a strong, diverse local economy.

We offer a variety of options for local businesses including chamber breakfast meetings and luncheons.

These are not only networking events but also a platform where likeminded businesses can meet and friendships are formed.

We provide guest speakers where our aim is for industry to “take away” something from attending the function.

Our chamber has a strong alliance with NSW Business Chamber – our local businesses can have a “voice” through our local chamber to State and Federal governments due to our relationship with NSWBC.

If you have been considering joining the chamber there is no better time than now.

We want to support all of the businesses within our region and the more members we have the stronger our “voice” we have to all levels of government.

Do you have a passion to see our city develop and become the best regional city in Australia?

Join the chamber today, have a voice, be heard and; reap the rewards and benefits of being part of the local chamber movement.

For further information on becoming a member or find out what the chamber is about check out and follow us on Facebook or email; alternatively call the chamber office on 6651 4101.