1: Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads upgrade – Price Tag – $830 million.

Roads and Maritime Services’ contractor the Acciona Ferrovial joint venture is close to finishing the 20km Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads Pacific Hwy upgrade.

The major duplication project includes a bypass and new bridge at Macksville over the Nambucca River.

The project has involved the construction of a further 14 bridges, new interchanges at Warrell Creek and Bald Hill Rd and access ramps at North Macksville.

Time frame: Opening before Christmas.

The Warrell Creek to Urunga Pacific Highway upgrade. Matthew Deans












2: Hospital upgrades 

Coffs Harbour Base Hospital is set to undergo a $156-million upgrade, while the State Government has also granted $73 million for a new hospital on a greenfield site for Macksville.

Coffs Harbour MP Andrew Fraser said the Coffs Harbour upgrade would include enhanced surgical and operating theatres, a new short stay surgical unit, and an orthopedic and vascular unit.

Oxley MP Melinda Pavey said the community at Macksville opted for a new hospital over a revamp of the existing hospital.

The Coffs Harbour Base Hospital upgrade and construction of a new Macksville Hospital.


 3: Upmarket retirement village

The retirement village and aged care facility of the Bachrach Naumburger Group, which owns Park Beach Plaza and Park Beach Homebase, stands approved for development.

A seven storey retirement village, including a 120-bed residential aged care facility, 183 self-contained units and ocean view apartments is planned for vacant land fronting Arthur and York Sts. The group is building the luxury 12-storey, Seashells at Park Beach development, comprising 44 apartments and will start work upon that project’s completion.

Timeframe: Three stages over five years.

Bachrach Naumburger Group upmarket retirement village and aged care facility.

4: Kmart Coffs Harbour store

Construction is under way on Gowings refurbishment of Level 1 of the Coffs Central shopping centre.

This highly anticipated project for the city centre will incorporate a new Kmart store, the chain’s second Coffs Coast outlet, and further specialty stores complementing the current food court layout.

These works include an expansion of the centre to Gordon St, creating new high street shops.

Gowings said the development was expected to generate more than 200 jobs during the construction phase.

Timeframe: Mid 2018.

Kmart Coffs Harbour store.

5: Airport industrial estate

Coffs Harbour City Council will transform 43-hectares of land at the Coffs Harbour Airport into a new industrial estate for projected future business and industry growth.

Vacant council-owned land at the northern end of the airport will be subdivided into 100 lots.

It is anticipated the estate could potentially attract a range of industry from aviation reliant and new technology companies, call centres through to 3D printing businesses.

Timeframe: Development likely in coming years.

Industrial Estate Coffs Harbour Airport.


6: High-rise CBD Hotel

Gowings, as the owners of Coffs Central, will complete a major shopping complex revamp over the next two years by adding a signature hotel to the skyline off the Coffs Harbour CBD.

The luxury 80-room high-rise hotel was granted approval in July.

The hotel, built on top of the shopping complex, is expected to reach a height of 39-metres adding an additional eight levels to the existing Harbour Dr shopping complex, generating 150 direct jobs during construction.

Timeframe: 2018-19

CBD High-rise Hotel. Trevor Veale

7: C.ex Coffs International Stadium Upgrade

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week cut the ribbon to mark the start of the jointly-funded Federal Government and Coffs Harbour City Council stadium upgrade.

Under two stages grandstands will be increased by 200%, corporate hospitality rooms will be built, player facilities will be improved along with catering outlets and parking and media facilities will be upgraded to complement the 1500 lux broadcast lighting.

The upgrade will help the city attract more major sporting events.

Timeframe: 2018-19.

C.ex Coffs International Stadium Upgrade. Trevor Veale

8: SCU Allied Health Centre 

The Federal Government announced investment for stage one of Southern Cross University’s Coffs Harbour campus’ new allied health building.

The centre will offer courses and training facilities for students studying speech pathology and occupational therapy, nursing and midwifery, psychological science and sport and exercise science.

This is expected to assist with growing demands in health care in coming years.

A SCU Health Clinic will also be established.

Timeframe: In planning.

SCU Allied Health Centre.

9: Jetty Foreshores Upgrade 

Stages 2 to 4 of the Jetty Foreshores upgrade are moving ahead to completion in coming weeks.

The latest stage of the project, funded by the Federal Government and council, includes an open plaza area with wide shallow steps onto the northern end of Jetty Beach, plus a boardwalk behind the dunes and vegetation, linking the plaza to the historic jetty and market area and landscaping, tree plantings, steel shelters and public amenities.

Timeframe: October-November

Jetty Foreshores upgrade. Trevor Veale

10: Coffs Harbour North Wall upgrade

Haslin Constructions is continuing work on the northern breakwater rebuild, which is being funded by the State Government.

Work is currently seeing the breakwater widened and a rock berm or shelf constructed and overlain by 12-tonne concrete hanbars along a 200 metre section of breakwater.

The heightened and rearmoured breakwall is designed to protect the Coffs Harbour marina from storm surges and heavy swell.

Timeframe: Completion earmarked in 2018.

Coffs Harbour North Wall. Trevor Veale


There is no understating the Coffs Coast has moved ahead as one of New South Wales’ fastest-developing regional cities in 2017.

The $1.2 billion total of the 10 major projects we’ve listed today, spanning across private and public assets and infrastructure, highlights an era of huge growth and development.

Coffs Harbour Mayor Denise Knight

Mayor Denise Knight said without a doubt 2017 had been the highlight year of her local government career in terms of growth and development across the city.

“Absolutely, no question about it,” Cr Knight said.

“I think it comes down to the fact we did our homework properly over four years and now it’s time to cut the ribbons.

“Coffs Harbour is open for business.

“There have been many other projects – the new Gordon St intersection and drainage works there, the Duke St extension, the airport tarmac extension and terminal upgrade, lighting at Maclean St, the new men’s shed, many new amenity blocks, the new laundry at the community village, the Fitzroy St sporting pavilion opened just this week and resolution on an arts and entertainment precinct … too many to name.”

Chamber of Commerce president George Cecato said the growth reflected a shared desire among community and business leaders to see Coffs Harbour become a premier regional city.

Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce President Cr George Cecato

“I’ve been in town 26 years and yes, definitely 2016-17 have been the best years of capital approval that I have seen in Coffs Harbour,” Mr Cecato said.

“But there is still a large wish list to come. I believe Coffs Harbour is on the verge of greater opportunities.”