It has been a busy few weeks, but from the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce, I would like to emphasise that we will not relinquish in our quest to represent and support our members and any events that contribute financially to the region, such as the World Rally Championships.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite any business that is in tourism or hospitality to come on board as members.

We at the chamber, in our executive and committee groups have three members who are or were involved with the Tourism Association: Dene Zahner, Michael Lockman and myself, so we fully understand what tourism and hospitality is all about, how important tourism is for our region and our doors at the chamber are open.

This is an election year for both Federal Government and Local Government.

We congratulate Mr Luke Hartsuyker on his successful nomination by the National Party to represent Cowper.

We ask for your support in our endeavours to help construct an Allied Health building at Southern Cross University.

More than 20 years ago, councillors and business people had the vision to make our university a reality.

We need this Allied Health Building so SCU can prosper and be here for the next 20 years.

On the Local Government election, I encourage any business person who has an intense love and a vision for this beautiful city of ours, without any political or personal agenda to consider standing for the next term.

We need business people on our council so we can help those councillors with similar views to take Coffs Harbour to the next level.

To the whole of the community, please ensure we support and use the direct flights to Brisbane.

The aircraft is the right size, the flight schedule was done with the residents of the Coffs Coast in mind and the reports we are getting is that the service is superb.

Please do not forget the golden rules of what makes towns and cities better than others:

Business is the glue that holds communities together.

All levels of business and government needs to be galvanised and work together for the betterment of the city.

Please contact us with suggestions on (02) 6651 4101 or for information on becoming a member of the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce, simply email